• Hu rau kev txhawb nqa 86-0596-2628755 ib

Rattan woven rooj tog

Rattan rooj tog yog ib qho ntawm cov rooj tog qub tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb.Nws yog thawj zaug coj mus rau Tebchaws Europe los ntawm European tub lag luam nkoj hauv xyoo pua 17th.Cov pob tawb ua los ntawm cov wicks pom nyob rau tim lyiv teb chaws hnub rov qab mus rau 2000 BC, thiab Roman frescoes thaum ub feem ntau muaj cov duab ntawm cov tub ceev xwm zaum ntawm cov rooj zaum wicker.Hauv Is Nrias teb thiab Philippines thaum ub, tib neeg siv rattan los ua ntau hom rooj tog, los yog txiav rattan rods rau hauv nyias thiab tiaj tus rattan rods, thiab kho lawv ua ntau yam qauv los ua lub nraub qaum ntawm lub rooj zaum, txee qhov rooj lossis cov khoom rattan.

Rattan woven rooj tog

Txoj kev loj hlob thiab kev siv rattan muaj keeb kwm ntev.Ua ntej Han Dynasty, cov rooj tog zaum siab tsis tau tshwm sim, thiab feem ntau ntawm cov rooj tog siv rau zaum thiab pw yog MATS thiab txaj, ntawm cov uas muaj MATS woven nrog rattan, uas yog lev ntawm xyoob thiab rattan lev uas yog qib siab dua. lub sijhawm ntawd.Muaj cov ntaub ntawv ntawm rattan MATS nyob rau hauv cov phau ntawv qub xws li Biography ntawm Ntxhais fuabtais Yang, Ji Lin Zhi thiab Jihara Bu.Rattan lev yog ib qho yooj yim rattan rooj tog nyob rau lub sijhawm ntawd.Txij li thaum Han Dynasty, vim muaj kev tsim cov khoom tsim tau, kev txhim kho ntawm rattan crafts theem, rattan rooj tog ntau yam ntawm peb lub teb chaws yog nce zuj zus, rattan lub rooj zaum, rattan txaj, rattan box, rattan screen, rattan tais diav thiab rattan crafts muaj. tshwm ua ntu zus.Rattan tau siv los ua khoom plig hauv phau ntawv Suav thaum ub ntawm Sui.Cov Ntaub Ntawv Zhengde Qiongtai thiab cov ntaub ntawv tom ntej Yachuan, muab tso ua ke thaum lub sij hawm kav Zhengde nyob rau hauv Ming Dynasty, piav qhia txog kev faib thiab siv cov xibtes rattan.Rattan rooj tog tau khaws cia rau ntawm lub nkoj sunken ntawm Zheng He thaum nws caij nkoj mus rau sab hnub poob, uas ua pov thawj qib ntawm rattan rooj tog hauv Suav teb thaum lub sijhawm ntawd.Hauv cov rooj tog zoo nkauj uas twb muaj lawm ntawm Ming thiab Qing Dynasties, muaj cov rooj zaum ua los ntawm rattan.

Raws li cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Yongchang Fu thiab Tengyue Hall luam tawm thaum lub sij hawm kav ntawm Emperor Guangxu ntawm Qing Dynasty, kev siv xibtes rattan hauv Tengchong thiab lwm qhov chaw nyob rau sab hnub poob Yunnan tuaj yeem taug qab mus rau Tang Dynasty, nrog keeb kwm ntawm 1500 xyoo.Nyob rau sab qab teb ntawm Yunnan, raws li cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv Yuanjiang Fu Annals ntawm Qing Dynasty thiab Yunnan General Annals ntawm lub koom pheej ntawm Tuam Tshoj, kev siv xibtes rattan pib nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov Qing Dynasty thiab muaj keeb kwm ntawm ntau tshaj 400 xyoo.Raws li kev tshawb fawb, Yunnan rattan ware muaj qib siab ua ntej Ntiaj Teb Tsov Rog II.Lub sijhawm ntawd, Yunnan rattan ware tau raug xa tawm mus rau cov teb chaws Asia thiab lub teb chaws Yelemees thiab lwm lub tebchaws nyob sab Europe.Tengchong rattan ware nyiam lub koob npe nrov tshaj plaws ntawm Yunnan rattan ware.Tengchong tseem hu ua Tengchong, Fujikawa thiab Tengchong hauv cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm, los ntawm qhov peb tuaj yeem pom.Tengchong rattan ware yog ib zaug suav tias yog ib qho khoom tsis tshua muaj los ntawm Great Hall of the People.

81 NcpkJ9b1L

Post lub sij hawm: Nov-08-2022