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Inside Bond & Grace, a women’s publisher looking to add context to historical fiction.

Supply chain issues aside, book sales have grown relatively well over the past few years as consumers have more time to read at home and many are turning to non-fiction to learn about social issues and events they know little about.
Founded in 2021, Bond & Grace launched as a female-owned publishing house that wants to add context to historical literature, reflecting social and personal growth that comes with time. Founded in 2021, Bond & Grace launched as a female-owned publishing house that wants to add context to historical literature, reflecting social and personal growth that comes with time. Основанное в 2021 году издательство Bond & Grace было запущено как издательство, принадлежащее женщинам, которое хочет добавить контекста в историческую литературу, отражая социальный и личный рост, который приходит со временем. Founded in 2021, Bond & Grace was launched as a women-owned publishing house that wants to add context to historical fiction by reflecting the social and personal growth that comes with time. Bond & Grace 成立于2021 年,最初是一家女性拥有的出版社,希望为历史文学增添背景,反映随时间而来的社会和个人成长。 Bond & grace 成立 于 2021 年 , 是 一 家 女性 拥有 的 , 希望 为 历史 增添 背景 , 反映 随 时间 的 社会 和 成长。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Основанное в 2021 году, Bond & Grace начиналось как издательство, принадлежащее женщинам, стремящееся добавить контекста в историческую литературу, отражая социальный и личный рост с течением времени. Founded in 2021, Bond & Grace began as a women-owned publishing house seeking to add context to historical literature by reflecting social and personal growth over time. The publication of the first book of the publishing house is scheduled for October this year. Available for pre-order now, Secret Garden Art Fiction is filled with scholarly writing written by identity and belonging experts Dr. Amy Wong and historical context expert Dr. Maria Frawley.
Founders Jacqueline Bond, Savannah Bond and Ayana Christie recently shared more details with Fortune about the creation of the new publishing house and its mission.
J. Bond: I started my career in public health communications. I work with nonprofits and foundations on issues such as access to healthy food, the opioid epidemic, childhood obesity and climate change. There I learned about the power of storytelling and how to use it to improve society and create positive change.
From there, I worked in corporate government consulting. I quickly realized that the corporate environment was not for me – or rather, not for people like me. Every decision our leadership team has made for Bond & Grace about our values, policies, culture, and advocacy work—we call it our “People Promise”—is informed by and in response to our collective experiences as corporate professionals. Every decision our leadership team has made for Bond & Grace about our values, policies, culture, and advocacy work—we call it our “People Promise”—is informed by and in response to our collective experiences as corporate professionals. Каждое решение, которое наша команда руководителей приняла для Bond & Grace в отношении наших ценностей, политики, культуры и работы по защите интересов — мы называем это нашим «Обещанием людям» — основано на нашем коллективном опыте корпоративных профессионалов и является ответом на него. Every decision our leadership team has made for Bond & Grace regarding our values, policies, culture and advocacy work – we call it our “Pledge to the People” – is based on and responds to our collective experience as corporate professionals.我们的领导团队为Bond & Grace 就我们的价值观、政策、文化和宣传工作做出的每一个决定——我们称之为“员工承诺”——都是以我们作为企业专业人士的集体经验为基础的,并以此作为回应。我们的领导团队为Bond & Grace 就我们的价值观、政策、文化和宣传工作做出的每一个决定——我们称之为“员工承诺”——都是以我们作为企业专业人士的集体经验为基础的,并以此作为回应。 Каждое решение, которое наша команда руководителей принимает для Bond & Grace в отношении наших ценностей, политик, культуры и информационно-пропагандистской деятельности — то, что мы называем «обязательством сотрудников», — основано на нашем коллективном опыте профессионалов бизнеса и отвечает соответствующим образом. Every decision our leadership team makes for Bond & Grace regarding our values, policies, culture and advocacy – what we call “employee commitment” – is based on our collective experience as business professionals and is responded to accordingly. We want to show how leadership with kindness, respect and empathy increases productivity and income.
Christy: I was at a crossroads right out of college. I need to maximize the brilliance of my Ivy League degree, but I feel the need to make conscious choices about which employers will benefit from my youthful energy and will. Deciding that I wanted to “do good,” I decided to start a career as a consultant for the US government. Fast forward 10 years and I am very grateful for this decision. Solving problems on behalf of ordinary citizens, I fell in love with the dance between chaos and order as ideas took shape. My area of ​​expertise has been deepening my knowledge of technology development and customer behavior, iterating value in product creation, and striving to turn a curious mind into a first consumer. More recently, I have defended my experience by implementing an incubation strategy on Google Cloud. And in year one of Bond & Grace, we’ve birthed our first creative invention using the very instincts I developed while working with emerging technologies. And in one year one of Bond & Grace, we’ve birthed our first creative invention using the very instincts I developed while working with emerging technologies. И в первый год работы Bond & Grace мы родили наше первое творческое изобретение, используя те самые инстинкты, которые я развил, работая с новыми технологиями. And in the first year of Bond & Grace, we gave birth to our first creative invention, using the very instincts that I developed working with new technologies.在Bond & Grace 的第一年,我们利用我在使用新兴技术时培养的本能,诞生了我们的第一个创造性发明。在Bond & Grace В течение первого года работы в Bond & Grace мы использовали инстинкты, которые я развил во время работы с новыми технологиями, для создания нашего первого творческого изобретения. During our first year at Bond & Grace, we used the instincts I developed while working with new technologies to create our first creative invention. Same dance, different song.
S. Bond: After an internship in New York in the spring of my senior year in college, I started writing a love letter to New York. I spent my entire early career at a major cosmetics company, one of the most famous in the world. I have worked for a variety of brands and roles, from supply chain to global marketing. In each role, I gained new knowledge: logistics, event management, brand development, product development and market strategy. I am always grateful for the valuable skills I have gained at every level, but the main thing I love is building a brand. Ultimately, in order to experience brand development on a deeper level, I want to get more for myself and my talents. Faced with the reality of burnout and the desire for change, this prompted me to turn my attention to the next possibility. This in turn led me to take the life changing leap to join Bond & Grace and build our startup. This in turn led me to take the life changing leap to join Bond & Grace and build our startup. Это, в свою очередь, побудило меня сделать решающий шаг, чтобы присоединиться к Bond & Grace и создать наш стартап. This, in turn, motivated me to take the plunge to join Bond & Grace and build our startup.这反过来又促使我迈出了改变生活的飞跃,加入了Bond & Grace 并建立了我们的创业公司。 Bond & Grace 并建立了我们的创业公司。 Это, в свою очередь, побудило меня сделать решающий шаг, чтобы присоединиться к Bond & Grace и создать наш стартап. This, in turn, motivated me to take the plunge to join Bond & Grace and build our startup. We now have an incredibly small team and plan to hire two more part-time positions this fall to support our retail and distribution strategy.
J. Bond: I have been collecting Jane Austen novels since I fell in love with Jane Austen in high school. Every time I go to a new place, I try to find the local bookstore. I went straight to their classic section and chose their version of Pride and Prejudice. I have probably had 50 to 60 different versions of Jane Austen books over the years.
In late 2019, my mom and I visited my husband’s family farm in upstate New York. They have a nice old library with hundreds of old books. Looking through the books, I asked my mom, “Have you seen the magazine version of Pride and Prejudice?” She knew that I collected them. She said no, she didn’t. I did a quick google search. Nothing pops up.
This is the beginning. Bond & Grace was born from our search for a coffee table book; Bond & Grace was born from our search for a coffee table book; Bond & Grace родилась в результате нашего поиска книги для журнального столика; Bond & Grace was born out of our search for a coffee table book; Bond & Grace 诞生于我们寻找咖啡桌书的过程中; Bond & Grace was born in our search for a coffee table book; Bond & Grace родилась из наших поисков книг для журнальных столиков; Bond & Grace was born from our search for coffee table books; Since then we have grown and expanded our mission. Today, we are Bond & Grace, a women-owned publishing house and art shop but we know we’ll have more to give. Today, we are Bond & Grace, a women-owned publishing house and art shop but we know we’ll have more to give. Сегодня мы Bond & Grace, женское издательство и художественный магазин, но мы знаем, что можем дать больше. Today we are Bond & Grace, a women’s publishing and art store, but we know we can give more.今天,我们是Bond & Grace,一家女性拥有的出版社和艺术商店,但我们知道我们将有更多的贡献。 Today, we are Bond & Grace, a female publishing house and art shop, but we know that we will have more contributions. Сегодня мы Bond & Grace, женское издательство и художественный магазин, но мы знаем, что можем внести еще больший вклад. Today we are Bond & Grace, a women’s publishing and art store, but we know we can make an even bigger contribution.
Part of Bond & Grace’s mission is to add context to beloved works of historical literature. Part of Bond & Grace’s mission is to add context to beloved works of historical literature. Частью миссии Bond & Grace является добавление контекста к любимым произведениям исторической литературы. Part of Bond & Grace’s mission is to add context to beloved historical fiction. Bond & Grace 的部分使命是为心爱的历史文学作品增添背景。 Bond & Grace Частью миссии Bond & Grace является добавление контекста к любимым произведениям исторической литературы. Part of Bond & Grace’s mission is to add context to beloved historical fiction. Can you explain more about what that means and how Bond & Grace intends to achieve that? Can you explain more about what that means and how Bond & Grace intends to achieve that? Не могли бы вы подробнее объяснить, что это значит и как Bond & Grace собирается этого добиться? Could you explain in more detail what this means and how Bond & Grace is going to achieve this?您能否详细解释一下这意味着什么以及Bond & Grace 打算如何实现这一目标? Bond & Grace Bond & Grace 打算如何实现这一目标? Не могли бы вы объяснить подробнее, что это значит и как Bond & Grace собирается этого добиться? Could you explain in more detail what this means and how Bond & Grace is going to achieve this?
Christy: When we started curating product features, we realized we needed our books to reflect growth over time. We are seeing more and more people open up to social change as an opportunity to challenge themselves and others to make the choice to progress. Many of these so-called classic books are at odds with modern values. They document sexism, racism, homophobia and a host of other outdated narratives questioned by young readers.
It was an opportunity to see these books as historical artifacts, rather than erase these stories or rewrite them, and we thought, “What if we could develop them? What if we could share the historical context around the books? if we could provide the author’s backstory and what might have influenced writing it? If we were to raise the controversies we know about the book today so that everyone who reads it could also feel that the story belongs to them, and not just to a few?
This fall, the first book of the Secret Garden publishing house was published. What made him the first choice?
J. Bond: We first looked at the extensive list of novels in the public domain. There are almost a thousand books to choose from. There have been some major developments in the field of copyright in recent years, and as of 2022, anything written before 1926 has no copyright law associated with it in the United States. That includes countless popular novels like Little Women, Pride & Prejudice, Treasure Island, and The Secret Garden, to name a few. That includes countless popular novels like Little Women, Pride & Prejudice, Treasure Island, and The Secret Garden, to name a few. This includes countless popular novels such as Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Treasure Island and The Secret Garden to name a few. These include countless popular novels such as Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Treasure Island and The Secret Garden. We compared the list of books in the public domain with several other lists, including must-read lists for school, lists of the most popular classic books of all time, and even lists like Books Banned in America. narrowed it down to a dozen or so, we thought a novel might be an exciting start. ”
Christie: Secret Garden was chosen in the end because it had the opportunity to stand out as a work of art from all the beautiful descriptions and flowery landscapes in the book, and of course we had ample opportunity to explore fringe narratives and novels. …Obvious metaphor. It’s also a book that can resonate with people of all ages—from mental health, gardening, and friendship to parenting, Asian studies, and medical history—there’s something here for everyone.
Then there is the time factor. Primarily about rebirth, rebirth, and redemption, the novel echoes the post-pandemic emotions that many of us are recovering from the loss of a special event, the loss of normality, or the loss of a loved one. We even believe that the author Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote The Secret Garden in honor of her son Lionel, who died of tuberculosis at the age of sixteen. And in this novel, she teaches our main characters how to get over loss and find happiness through determination – it couldn’t be more perfect.
S. Bond: We’ve heard countless times, “I read this book when I was a kid and I didn’t know the deeper meaning of the medical references mentioned in the book and didn’t even notice the comment about colonialism. .” That’s why we are a shining example of how important branding is. Not only to honor the novel and keep it alive, but to give it new life from a modern and socially conscious perspective. Timely and beautiful, The Secret Garden is it is a resilient story that we feel the world is ready to re-read.
S. Bond: That’s the beauty of the public domain. Thousands of unusual books at your fingertips, and we can reprint them next time. As we continue to develop our roadmap, we have four games for the next release, with a new game coming out every year. We view each new Bond & Grace Art Novel launch as a means to reach different types of readers, but also to demonstrate a range of art and artists. We view each new Bond & Grace Art Novel launch as a means to reach different types of readers, but also to demonstrate a range of art and artists. We see each new launch of a Bond and Grace fiction novel as a means to reach different types of readers, as well as showcase a wide range of art and artists. We view the release of each new Bond & Grace fiction novel as a way to reach a different type of reader as well as showcase a wide range of art and artists. In case you’re wondering, we may or may not have subtle hints about our next title in The Secret Garden fiction.
How is the company financed? Is it self-financed or do you contact investors? What does the funding process look like?
J. Bond: Bond & Grace is currently self-funded, and while we’re not seeking funding from institutional investors we’re open to the conversation. J. Bond: Bond & Grace is currently self-funded, and while we’re not seeking funding from institutional investors we’re open to the conversation. Дж. Бонд: В настоящее время Bond & Grace является самофинансируемой компанией, и, хотя мы не ищем финансирования от институциональных инвесторов, мы открыты для диалога. J. Bond: Bond & Grace is currently a self-financing company, and while we are not seeking funding from institutional investors, we are open to dialogue. J. Bond:Bond & Grace 目前是自筹资金的,虽然我们不向机构投资者寻求资金,但我们对对话持开放态度。 J. Bond:Bond & Grace Дж. Бонд: В настоящее время Bond & Grace находится на самофинансировании, и хотя мы не ищем финансирования у институциональных инвесторов, мы открыты для диалога. J. Bond: Bond & Grace is currently self-funded and while we are not seeking funding from institutional investors, we are open to dialogue. We recognize the privilege of self-financing that underpins all of our decisions, and use this opportunity to not only pay attention to detail, but to push things as far as possible. It was a humiliating experience and a rewarding responsibility to carry on my family’s legacy in this way and then do it with my sharp nails.
Christie: Since we are self-financed, we have focused on production. There’s a lot we want to do, but by using a phased product roadmap, we’re going to deliver monetary value this year. We also put a lot of emphasis on feedback loops with users, founders, consultants, artists, and writers, which can help us fail and avoid costly mistakes.
Christy: We have a serious and ambitious plan, starting with the launch of our online art store in 2023. Then, I hope that as we deepen our authority in publishing and social influence through the arts, we will eventually develop in depth rather than breadth. We have a collection of novels to create and influencer strategies to implement and test, starting with selling original illustrations from our books. All the original art within each Art Novel will be sold through Bond & Grace with most of the proceeds going back to the artists in support of them and their contributions to localized social change. All the original art within each Art Novel will be sold through Bond & Grace with most of the proceeds going back to the artists in support of them and their contributions to localized social change. Все оригинальные произведения искусства в каждом художественном романе будут продаваться через Bond & Grace, при этом большая часть выручки будет возвращена художникам в поддержку их и их вклада в локальные социальные изменения. All original art in each fictional novel will be sold through Bond & Grace, with the majority of the proceeds returned to the artists in support of them and their contribution to local social change.每部艺术小说中的所有原创艺术都将通过Bond & Grace 出售,大部分收益将返还给艺术家,以支持他们以及他们对当地社会变革的贡献。每 部 艺术 小说 中 所有 原创 艺术 都 将 通过 bond & grace 出售 大部分 收益 将 给 艺术家 , 以 他们 他们 以及 对 当地 社会 的。。。 贡献 贡献 贡献 贡献 贡献 贡献Все оригинальные произведения искусства в каждом художественном романе будут продаваться через Bond & Grace, при этом большая часть выручки будет возвращена художникам для их поддержки и их вклада в местные социальные изменения. All original art in each fictional novel will be sold through Bond & Grace, with the majority of the proceeds returned to the artists to support them and contribute to local social change. We always strive to do more the smart way.
In the five years that this fund has been in existence, we will detail how key impacts will take our business to the next milestone. We are already planning how to bring this meaningful art closer to more people by copying and expanding the thread. Whatever the future, we know that loyalty is about making people feel noticed, so we plan to stay close to our customers and deliver the benefit they crave: a valuable expression of their curiosity and understanding.
S. Bond: Every year we grow, our brand values: Progress, Beauty, Love and Respect will always underlie everything we do. Because our consumers are at the center of our attention, it’s critical that we continue to provide experiences that foster connection and joy. As we grow, we expect to interact closely with our consumers at every touchpoint, from pop-ups to partnerships with brands and bookstores. Not just our fiction offerings, but our advocacy and community engagement.
J. Bond: Our vision for the future is to continue to develop works in the public domain so that future generations of students, parents and teachers can read them. We are thinking about how to make our books available to anyone who wants to read and is willing to provide digital versions for school and research. Yes, these books are imperfect and contradictory, but we think that our books provide an important opportunity for their implementation with a view to the future.
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Post time: Oct-03-2022