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Nkhaniyi idakonzedwa ndi gulu la Shop With Us ku Us Weekly.Gulu la Shop With Us ladzipereka kuwunikira zinthu ndi ntchito zomwe owerenga athu angasangalale nazo komanso zothandiza, monga zovala za alendo paukwati, zikwama, zosambira zazikulu, nsapato zazimayi, zovala zowoneka bwino mkwatibwi, ndi malingaliro abwino kwambiri a mphatso kwa aliyense m'moyo wanu..Komabe, kusankha kwazinthu ndi ntchito sizitanthauza mwanjira iliyonse kuvomerezedwa ndi Us Weekly kapena munthu aliyense wotchuka yemwe watchulidwa mu positi.
The Shop With Us team can receive products from manufacturers for testing free of charge. In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from manufacturers of products we cover when you click on a link and then purchase the product described in the article. This does not affect our decision to recommend a product or service. Shop With Us operates independently from the advertising sales department. We welcome your feedback at ShopWithUs@usmagazine.com. happy shopping!
Us Weekly ili ndi maubwenzi kotero kuti titha kulipidwa chifukwa cha maulalo azinthu ndi ntchito zina.
Nthawi yotumiza: Dec-16-2022